By Mary Donnelly

They’re poised to look at the big picture and, with the help of an innovative global program, they’re looking forward to big responsibilities. In the words of Global Scholar Kenneth Malagiere, Fairleigh Dickinson University will help him “to become a global leader. The world needs strong, informed and educated leaders. The Global Scholars program helps us on the road to becoming global leaders.”

Lofty ambitions? Maybe, but that’s exactly what defines an FDU Global Scholar. This unique venture, begun on the Metropolitan Campus this academic year, offers a diverse and select group of students a chance to live, study and socialize together while exploring various international and global issues.

“The goal of the program is to provide an opportunity for students to engage in a creative and enjoyable learning atmosphere that will enhance their skills for a lifetime,” says Jonell Sanchez, associate dean of students on the Metropolitan Campus. “We want to prepare global leaders and give them the tools to change lives and make a difference.”

The program is run jointly by Sanchez and Rick Isquith, executive director for global partnerships. “These students are academically gifted and have interests that closely parallel Fairleigh Dickinson University’s mission,” says Isquith. “We want to broaden their horizons and provide experiences that will give them a global mindset and make them better global citizens.”

Such academic independence and enthusiasm is exactly what Sanchez had in mind when he helped establish the program. With Isquith and Gary Hamme, vice president for enrollment, Sanchez researched other global programs and created what he terms a “triangulation of academic, residential and co-curricular pursuits.” This weaving together of activities is stimulating the students and providing some memorable lessons.

Choose from the linked pictures above to explore what our global scholars are doing. Living ... Learning ... Leading.

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