Imagine a typical day in the life of the University just a few short
years from now.
At the College at Florham, the Monninger Center for Learning
and Research is buzzing with round-the-clock activities. Inside, a
group of philosophy students are collaborating with their professor
on a class project. In the Orangerie, at a new Internet kiosk, a faculty
scholar from the communication department conducts online
research by conferring with a colleague in Korea. That evening, the
lecture space will feature a group discussion on human rights.
Meanwhile, a renowned biology professor
from a European university steps
off a plane in New Jersey, heading for the
College at Florham. A newly established
endowed professorship has brought her
here. During the next year, she will challenge
students and collaborate with faculty
on new academic initiatives.
The Devils women’s lacrosse team is
off to a winning season as it holds its first
game on a new field, the result of a generous
alumni donation. And the tennis teams
are practicing on brand new courts.
On the Metropolitan Campus, the
Student Union Building has become the
place to meet on campus. On this day,
we see friends taking a break together in
between classes. A new café, small group
meeting areas and a new ballroom have invigorated
student life and activities. In the
evening, hundreds of students, faculty and
staff gather to hear a presentation from a
recently retired CEO from a major multinational
A large crowd gathers under new
lights, as the Knights baseball team prepares
to play ball on a new home field.
The renovated North End Complex also
includes new facilities for the soccer and
tennis squads.
Meanwhile, a student who has become
the first recipient of a newly endowed
scholarship attends a special ceremony. Surrounded
by family members and scholarship
donors, he expresses his thanks by making
a commitment to take full advantage of this
special opportunity to succeed. He and other
scholarship recipients are looking forward
to making significant contributions to their
professions and the world.
This is a glimpse of the future of Fairleigh
Dickinson. And to fulfill the vision,
FDU is launching the most comprehensive
and ambitious capital campaign in University
history: FDU NOW, The Campaign
for Fairleigh Dickinson University.
“The success of FDU NOW will transform
the University unlike anything we
have seen,” said President J. Michael Adams.
“These initiatives build on our many
traditions and continue to advance efforts
that have distinguished the University.”
The campaign will fulfill strategic needs
by providing funds for the University endowment,
scholarships, athletics, global education,
the unrestricted Fund for FDU, the
renovation of the Student Union Building at
the Metropolitan Campus, and the creation
of the Monninger Center for Learning and
Research at the College at Florham.
Under the leadership of Adams, Campaign
Chair and University Trustee Greg
Olsen, BS’66, BS’68, MS’68 (T), and
the Campaign Steering Committee, FDU
NOW is well on its way to success. Early
commitments to the campaign total more
than $24 million.
“It’s been a very gratifying experience,”
said Senior Vice President for University Advancement
Richard Reiss. “Right now we
plan to announce the campaign’s goal in fall
2007 and to run the campaign though 2010.
The support to date has been overwhelming,
and we’re very excited about broadening
our efforts to the larger University community
of alumni, faculty, staff and friends.”
A College at Florham junior from Cinnaminson, N.J., K.C. Ogbonna
plans to pursue a graduate degree in pharmacology. “I came to
Fairleigh,” he said, “because of the strength of the academic and
athletics programs. I knew FDU was the right place for me to study
chemistry and pursue my athletic interests.” A member of the Devils
football team, Ogbonna serves on the Student Athletic Council.
Discussing the campaign’s initiative to establish the Monninger
Center for Learning and Research, he said, “The center will add a lot
to the student experience. Right now, it’s sometimes difficult to get
online to do research because there are only so many terminals available,
and space is tight. A new, expanded learning space will be an
important addition to our campus.”
So why is FDU launching a major capital
campaign? President Adams said that
when he arrived at FDU in 1999, “I was
deeply impressed by the quality of people
at this institution and the thousands of
lives transformed by our faculty, staff,
alumni and friends.
“I remember learning about the University’s
wonderful legacy by talking with
the people who shaped it. I experienced
the history of this outstanding institution
by learning about the contributions of
those who came before us,” he added. “It
strengthened my personal commitment to
further distinguish the University’s position
in the world.”
And now, he said, after a period of
renewal that included the creation of a
new mission — to prepare world citizens
through global education — and several
major groundbreaking initiatives, “FDU is
ready to take the next step toward greater
As Adams noted, students who come
to FDU today have a world of unique
learning opportunities at their disposal.
They can attend a semester at Wroxton
College in England; log on to their computers
and engage scholars from throughout
the world; have dinners with U.N.
ambassadors; and experience a vibrant
community of fellow students from more
than 70 countries.
“We are at a crucial juncture in the
history of the University,” said Adams.
“Our accomplishments in global education
have built a foundation of innovation and
earned us a strong reputation.”
“What we do next,” he said, “will impact
the University throughout this century
and beyond. “We’re calling the campaign
FDU NOW for a very good reason. There
is a sense of excitement and urgency that is
propelling the University forward.”
“By supporting FDU NOW,” Adams
said, “our alumni and friends join our commitment
to ensure that FDU students are
distinct from their peers at other universities
and that FDU graduates are ready to make
an impact locally and around the world.”
Next …