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Norman Wegbreit, BS (R), is working full time and writes that retirement is “out of the question.” His son is a rabbi in Jerusalem; his daughter, 23, works in the family business, Wegbreit Group LLC; and he has nine grandchildren. Wegbreit adds that he is an avid tennis player and fitness nut.
Joseph Turcillo, Jr., BS (R), a physician, was inducted to the first Garfield (N.J.) High School Academic Hall of Fame.
Vera Pardy Tarantino, BA (R), and Paul Tarantino, BA’52 (R), celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in December. William Della Valle, BA (R), introduced them 53 years ago.
Douglas Hall, BS (R), and a member of FDU’s Alumni Association Board of Governors, in coordination with the Edgewater Cultural and Historical Committee, has written Edgewater, part of the “Images of America” regional history series. Hall is editor of the weekly Bergen News and Press-Journal and is chairman of the Edgewater Cultural and Historical Committee.
Sandra Hertzberg Sacks, BS (R), and her husband of 46 years, Arthur, have five children and four grandchildren. Sacks worked in pharmaceutical research and development, taught for two years and then raised her family.
Kathleen Linane-Ehlers, BA (R), writes that she is living a quiet life at the beach in Dana Point, Calif., and would love to hear from old friends at FDU. Her address is 33631 Flying Jib Drive, Monarch Beach, CA 92629.
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Kenneth Mears, DDS (T), MSD’72 (T), retired in 1996 after 25 years at Smile Factory. He writes that he enjoys fly-fishing for large trout at Katmai National Park in his home state of Alaska.
Gerald Lenkiewicz, BS (R), retired as chief financial officer of the Hudson Group, Charlotte, N.C.
David Henri, BS (R), MBA’66 (R), and Stephanie Hunter were married at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, Nev., in September 2005.
Martin Jacobs, BS (T), was promoted to senior director at the New York Mercantile Exchange, N.Y.C., where he is in charge of developing compliance systems. Jacobs celebrated his 70th birthday and the 50th anniversary of writing his first computer program.
Ronald Macaluso, BS (R), MBA’77 (R), has been chief financial officer for Cambria Environmental Technology, Inc., Emeryville, Calif., for nine years. He writes that Cambria has been one of the fastest-growing private companies in the San Francisco Bay area for the last five years.
Upon his retirement as vice president of international marketing and traveling worldwide for Cone Mills, Inc., John Bayersdorfer, BS (T), joined Greensboro College in North Carolina as assistant to the president. His wife, the former Nan Loucks, BA (T), continues to manager her company, Nanco Travel Services.
Howard Young, BS (M), writes that he is equally enjoying his 19-month-old grandson and representing clients in mergers and acquisitions as well as in offshore asset-protection planning.
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Ann Greenspan Herrmann, BA (M), and her husband, Richard, announce the birth of their granddaughter, Rylee Marie Abell, on May 5, 2005. Rylee and her parents, Cari and Tony Abell, live in Alexandria, Va.
Anne Sanfratello, BA (T), was Miss Bergen County in the preliminaries of the Miss America pageant at the age of 28. She began singing onstage at 11 and sang live on television on “The Little Rascals Show” at age 13.
Rabbi Stephen Grundfast, BS (T), has a daughter, Rachel, who received her master’s degree in arts administration from Columbia University, N.Y.C., and who works for the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, and a son, Joe, who has a BA in art studio from Binghamton (N.Y.) University.
Robert Mitchell, BA (T), and his wife, Barbara, own Mitchell Lane Publishers, Inc., Hockessin, Del. The company publishes more than 80 nonfiction library books annually.
Robert Corcoran, BS (T), a matrimonial and family law attorney in Hackensack, N.J., was selected as one of the Best Lawyers in the New York area by New York magazine. He also was named a “New Jersey Super Lawyer” for 2005 by New Jersey Monthly and was named one of the Best Lawyers in America by Woodward/White, Inc. Corcoran is a member of the American, New Jersey and Bergen County Bar Associations, Family Law Sections and a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.
Steven Ellinger, BA (T), was named executive director of the Texas Association of Sports Officials. He works as an observer of officials for the National Basketball Association in San Antonio, Texas.
Maryann Hobbie, BA (R), teaches in FDU’s Core program at the Metropolitan Campus and at the College at Florham. She is studying for her doctorate at Drew University, Madison, N.J. Hobbie writes that she and her husband, Richard Wolowicz, delight in raising their daughter, Ewa, 12.
Gary Kraemer, MA (T), was promoted to mental health team coordinator (psychology department) of the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections. His daughter is finishing her college degree; his wife’s work appeared in a fashion magazine; and his grandson turned 8 years old.
Bob Roth, MBA, is the author of The 4 Realities of Success During and After College: For College Students, Recent Grads and Young Adults. The book, published by AuthorHouse in Bloomington, Ind., is described as “the next best thing to having a personal coach available for guidance and advice.”
Deborah Bigger Palazzo, BA (M), and her husband of 22 years, John, have two daughters, Lisa and Theresa, and a granddaughter, Haylie Ann Pfennig, 1.
Fred Reischl, BS (T), MS’80 (T), is the planning director for Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, Inc., an engineering, planning and surveying firm with offices in Naples and Bonita Springs, Fla.
Richard Antoniotti, BS (T), started a company called ProFinance in Hasbrouck Heights, N.J., which recruits finance, accounting, auditing and tax professionals for client firms primarily in northern New Jersey. He can be reached at profinance@optonline.net or (201) 288-1065.
Eugene Bozzo, BS (M), was elected to the Piscataway Township (N.J.) Board of Education in April 2005. He also is on the board of directors of the New Jersey Business Marketing Association and the Piscataway/Middlesex/South Plainfield Chamber of Commerce.
Edward Kolb, BS (M), joined Impact Rx, a marketing and promotion research company in Mt. Laurel, N.J., as senior director of account services. He and his wife, Judy, live with their children in Princeton, N.J.
Gilbert Sager, MBA (M), is chairman of the board of directors of Ephrata (Pa.) Community Hospital.
Henning Kornbrekke, BS (T), president of Gibraltar Industries Corp., Buffalo, N.Y., expanded his scope of responsibilities to include that of chief operations officer. He writes that Gibraltar is a $1.2-billion public company with 18 percent growth in the vehicular and building products markets. It manufactures, processes and distributes nationally.
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The Rev. Roseanne Hardy, BA (T), was ordained in October 2004. She is an assistant pastor at the Liberation in Truth, Unity Fellowship Church, Newark, N.J.
Janine Andrejczak McInerney, BS (R), MBA’87 (R), writes that she “successfully managed a midlife crisis” several years ago with the birth of her third child, Catherine, who joined twins, Janine and Michael, who were 2-1/2 at that time. McInerney says she left her job, purchased a minivan and learned how to cook. She adds that she turned 40 as well.
Joseph Malise, BA (M), is a three-time American Drug Free Powerlifting Association, Inc. (ADFPA) World Powerlifting Champion. He owns JAMCO Publishing, a print advertising company in Upper Saddle River, N.J. He and his wife of 20 years, the former Mary Alice Barry, BA’84 (M), have a son and a daughter who are in their teens.
JoAnne Scuderi Manse, MA (R), taught English and Latin at Montclair (N.J.) High School before becoming supervisor of the school’s classical and modern languages department. The department plans to introduce classical Greek in the 2005–2006 school year.
Elizabeth Vergoz, BA (T), is a full-time school psychologist with the Child Study Team for Pre-K through Grade 12 in the Midland Park, N.J., School District.
William Alli, DMD (T), is the managing clinical director at All Care Dental Management, LLC, Boardman, Ohio. He heads the northeastern Ohio area, which includes six offices in the Cleveland metropolitan area and 14 more opening in New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Rosa Kontos, MAT (T), was appointed instructor of mathematics and computer science at Bergen Community College, Paramus, N.J.
Christine Hovliaras-Delozier, AS’84(T), BS’85 (T), MBA’89 (T), received the 2005 Pfizer/American Dental Hygienists’ Association Award for Excellence in Dental Hygiene in June in Las Vegas, Nev. In September she was appointed editor-in-chief of Access magazine, the national magazine of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association. Hovliaras-Delozier is president of Professional Savvy, LLC, an oral care consulting company in Flanders, N.J.
Rosemary Ervin, MBA (T), was promoted to director and part owner of RD Hunter & Co., an accounting firm in Fair Lawn, N.J.
Richard Morford, MBA (M), joined the Princeton, N.J., office of Korn/Ferry International, an executive search and outsourced recruiting and leadership development solutions provider, as a client partner.
Hispanic Business magazine named Alina Mateo, MBA (T), one of 80 Elite Hispanic Women in the United States for 2005. Mateo is vice president for finance at Verizon, N.Y.C.
Stefano Nicolini, BS (M), joined J.B. Collins, reinsurance intermediaries as vice president in its New York office.
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Mitchell Kaplan, BS (M), announces the birth of his son, Matthew Perry, on June 6, 2005. Matthew joins a sister, Anna, 4. Kaplan joined Weichert Realtors, Manalapan, N.J., and is attending FDU’s Paralegal Studies program.
EvaMat Consulting, which is owned by Michele Matarrese-Sanders, BS (R), MBA’94 (R), received the 2005 President’s Award for Outstanding Service and Effort to the Downtown Dunedin (Fla.) Merchants Association. Matarrese-Sanders chairs the finance committee for the association.
Fr. James Reilly, MPA (R), was appointed pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Kearny, N.J. He was chaplain/campus minister at FDU’s Rutherford Campus in 1993.
Sharon Daley Kelly, BA (M), has a private psychology practice in St. Peters, Pa. She founded a nonprofit organization to help educate individuals about a community-oriented approach to improving mental health and reducing the stigma of mental illness.
Theresa Colalillo, BS (M), and Andrew Aitken, a chemical research operator at Merck and Co., Rahway, N.J., were married on May 15, 2005.
Lucia Nodoro, MBA (M), joined Coldwell Banker’s Morristown, N.J., office as a sales associate. She writes that interested parties may visit www.LuciaNodoro.com for any real-estate needs.
Elena Potoupa, MBA (T), is founder and president of Wow-coupons.com, which won the 2005 Innovative Affiliate of the Year Award at the 2nd Annual LinkShare Golden Link Awards in New York City. Potoupa’s Web site offers an extensive list of in-store and online coupons at places like Borders, Ann Taylor, Target and Overstock.com.
Le Keysha Alexander, AA’95 (T), BS (T), is a laboratory technician at Givaudan Fragrances Corp., Teaneck, N.J.
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William Healey, MPA (T), was elected vice chairman of the New Jersey Biotechnology and Life Sciences Coalition, a consortium of corporate, government and nonprofit organizations that promotes expansion of the life sciences in the state.
Kathy Jackson, MAT (M), is a social studies teacher at Gov. Livingston High School, Berkeley Heights, N.J. She also teaches grade nine honors global studies and grade 10 U.S. history.
Jacqueline Kelly, BA (M), and Anthony D’Angelis, Esq., were married on April 29, 2005. She works for Archway Programs, where she manages a behavioral counseling program for “at-risk” children. The couple lives in Pine Hill, N.J.
Jennifer Marsicano, BS (M), and Patrick Appolonia were married on November 5, 2005. The couple lives in Staten Island, N.Y. Marsicano is a manager with the Business Risk Service Group of Ernst & Young LLP. Her husband, who has a degree from the French Culinary Institute in New York, is executive regional chef for the Compass Group.
Nicole Wright, BA (M), relocated to the San Francisco Bay Area from Philadelphia, Pa., after being promoted to client manager of Hartford Steam Boiler (HSB) Inspection and Insurance Co. Wright works with agencies and insurance companies to help them sell HSB products.
Wanda Acosta Asmar, MAS (T), is a school social worker in Paterson, N.J., and her husband, Hansel Asmar, MAS’02 (T), is a health officer for Mercer County, N.J.
Dominic Novelli, MAS (T), is working toward a doctorate in public administration at the University of Baltimore in Maryland.
Tamanika Finikin, BA (M), is a first-grade teacher at the Child Development Center in Madison, N.J.
Michelle Klein, MA (M), and David Pincus were married on June 16, 2005.
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Bjorn Bolstad, BS (R)
Anthony J. Petrocelli, BS (M)
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