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Personal Web Pages of FDU Faculty and Staff
Abdelazim, Sameh
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Computer Sciences and Engineering
Abdul-Malik, Ibrahim
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Abdul-Rahman, Azly
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Acosta, Catherine
[profile] Sr. Lecturer -- Petrocelli College
Agostino, Nick
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Agugliaro, Joseph
[profile] Associate Professor -- Bio-Allied Health
Alexander-Smith, Dorothy
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Silberman College
Alizadeh, Vahid
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Computer Sciences and Engineering
Almeida, James
[profile] Associate Dean for Graduate Programs & Florham Campus -- Silberman College
Anastasopoulos, Petros
[profile] Associate Professor -- Economics & Finance
Anderle, Gloria
[profile] Associate Professor -- Chemistry
Antoine Alexakos, Wladina
[profile] Professor -- Petrocelli College
Antonio, Stephen
[profile] Video Technician & PC Specialist -- Computing Services
Armeli, Stephen
[profile] Professor -- Psychology/Sociology
Aroca, Willy
[profile] Lecturer -- Mgmt, Mtkg, ISS.
Aronson, Yelena
[profile] Professor -- Art and Media Studies
Asik-Dizdar, Ozen
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Vancouver Campus
Avaltroni, Michael
[webpage] [profile] Dean, School of Pharmacy -- School of Pharmacy
Azarderakhsh, Marzieh
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Computer Sciences and Engineering
Azavedo, Sarah
[profile] Director, Campus Life Operations -- Student Life
Bacon, Kelly
[profile] Operations Accounting Coordinator -- Buildings & Grounds
Barkley, Robin
[profile] Professor -- Visual & Performing Arts
Barrett, Lindsey
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Silberman College
Barto, Michele
[profile] Lecturer -- Petrocelli College
Batha, Jessica
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Battistoli, Bruno
[profile] Assistant Professor, Communications/Speech -- Communication Arts
Bautista, Mary Ann Kristi
[profile] Assistant -- Public Relations
Bear, Stephen
[profile] Associate Professor -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Beck, Joyce
[profile] Assistant Director -- Web Operations
Behnke, James
[profile] Dir of Web, Instructional Tech & Online Learn -- Administrative Science
Behson, Scott
[profile] Professor -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Belen-Ramos, Silvia
[profile] Sr. Lecturer -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Benson, Peter
[profile] Professor -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Benzecry, Alice
[profile] Associate Professor -- Natural Sciences
Betz, Kenneth
[profile] Sr. Lecturer -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Black, Carol
[profile] Director of Publications -- Publications
Blank, Paula
[profile] Lecturer -- Petrocelli College
Boyd, Janet
[profile] Associate Professor -- Humanities
Boyd, Matthieu
[webpage] [profile] Associate Professor -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Brar, Tegvir
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Vancouver Campus
Braverman, Lisa
[profile] Dean -- Petrocelli College
Brenneman, Lois
[webpage] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Brill, Peter
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Bronson, Gary
[profile] Professor -- Mrktg,InfoSys,DecisionScience
Brown, Donalee
[profile] Professor -- Psychology and Counseling
Brown, Drew
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Brunetti, Frank
[profile] Professor -- Accounting & Tax Law
Bruno, James
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Buechner, Peter
[profile] Counselor, Fin Aid & Stud Svcs -- School of Pharmacy
Bukowski, Robert
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Burgess, Mark
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Silberman College
Burke, Jeffrey
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Burkholder, Peter
[webpage] [profile] Professor -- Social Sciences & History
Buzinkai, Donald
[profile] Lecturer -- Accounting Tax & Law
Buzzard, Karen
[profile] Professor, Communications/Speech -- Communication Arts
Bygrave, Constance
[profile] Assistant Professor of Economics, Fiance, Int'l Business -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Byrne, William
[profile] Lecturer -- Computer Science & Engineering
Calcagnetti, Daniel
[profile] Associate Professor -- Psychology and Counseling
Calderisi, Matthew
[profile] Associate Professor -- Accounting & Tax Law
Caldiero, Christopher
[profile] Associate Professor -- Communication Studies
Caliguari, Peter
[profile] Director of Executive MBA Program -- Silberman College
Cameron, Louisa
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Vancouver Campus
Campione, Sara
[profile] Communications Specialist -- Public Relations
Caprio, Kenna
[profile] Communication Writer -- Public Relations
Capuano, Christopher
[profile] President -- Office of the President
Carbone, Antonia
[profile] Clinical Associate Professor -- School of Pharmacy
Carfagna, Angelo
[profile] Associate VP, University Communications -- Communications
Carnevale, Lisa
[profile] Special Assistant to the Sr VP for Finance & Administration -- Financial Affairs
Carroll, Charles
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Vancouver Campus
Cassino, Daniel
[profile] Associate Professor -- Social Sciences & History
Casti, Alexander
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Computer Science & Engineering
Celentano, Domenick
[profile] Assistant Professor, Marketing -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Chace, Rebecca
[webpage] [profile] Associate Professor -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Chandrashekaran, Rajesh
[profile] Professor -- Marketing and Entrepreneurial Studies
Chen, Zong
[profile] Associate Professor -- Computer Science & Engineering
Chester, Norman
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Silberman College
Cinco, John-Percival
[webpage] [profile] Assistant Professor -- Visual & Performing Arts
Cleaves, Gerard
[profile] Senior Lecturer -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Cleveland, Jennifer
[profile] Lecturer -- University College
Clopatofsky Ghisays, Jairo
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Vancouver Campus
Cochrane, Douglas
[profile] Associate Professor -- Visual & Performing Arts
Cohen, Allen
[webpage] [profile] Professor -- Visual & Performing Arts
Cohen, Vicki
[profile] Dean -- University College
Cole, John
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Collado, Marina
[profile] Senior Lecturer -- Petrocelli College
Collier, Deirdre
[profile] Associate Professor -- Accounting Tax & Law
Collins, Tristin
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Colon Cabassa, Sylvia
[profile] Associate Director -- Nursing & Allied Health - Met
Concepcion, Julian
[profile] Lecturer -- Mgmt, Mtkg, ISS.
Cook, Joseph
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Corces, Laureano
[profile] Associate Professor Modern Languages -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Couper, Jean
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Nursing & Allied Health - Met
Cowan, Everard
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Economics & Finance
Coyle, Matthew
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Cummins, Walter
[webpage] [profile] Professor Emeritus -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Curry, Maureen
[profile] Manager -- Human Resources: Admin
Cvitan, Diana
[profile] Director, Office of Global Learning -- Global Learning
Daniel, David
[profile] Associate Professor -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Darden, Gary
[profile] Associate Professor -- Social Sciences & History
David, Daniel
[profile] Admissions Services Clerk -- Admissions, Undergraduate
Davis-Kovacs, Emma
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
DeFilippis, Robert
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Silberman College
DeGisi, Christopher
[profile] Program Director -- Continuing Education
Degiuli, Francesca
[profile] Associate Professor -- Social Sciences & History
Dell Bene-O'Mara, Patricia
[profile] Administrative Assistant for Academic & Stundent Affairs -- School of Pharmacy
Delorenzo, Charles
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Demotta, Yoshiko
[profile] Associate Professor -- Mrktg,InfoSys,DecisionScience
Denning, Karen
[profile] Professor -- Economics & Finance
Desilets, Joan
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Devine, Joseph
[profile] Associate Professor -- Administrative Science
Di Gregorio, Colleen
[profile] Assistant to the Deans -- School of Pharmacy
DiPatri, Kevin
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Djimopoulos, Evangelos
[profile] Professor -- Economics & Finance
Dobson, Deborah
[profile] Director, Becton College Advising Center -- Acad Advising and Stu Supp Srv
Dorata, Gregory
[profile] Lecturer -- University College
Dougherty, James
[profile] Professor, Chemistry & Physics -- Natural Sciences
Douglas, Mary
[profile] Director, College Writing -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Dreher, Gudrun
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Vancouver Campus
Dunsmore, Katherine
[profile] Associate Professor -- Communication Studies
Durso, Patricia
[profile] Associate Professor -- Petrocelli College
Dushenkov, Anna
[profile] Assistant Professor -- School of Pharmacy
Edwards, Madera
[profile] Sr. Lecturer -- Petrocelli College
Eisen, Andrew
[profile] Professor -- Psychology/Sociology
El-Sherbeini, Mohamed
[profile] Lecturer -- Bio-Allied Health
Englander, Frederick
[profile] Professor -- Economics & Finance
Ertimur, Burcak
[profile] Associate Professor -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Fader, Andrew
[profile] Sr. Lecturer -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Fairfield, Kent
[profile] Associate Professor -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Farag, Mark
[profile] Associate Professor -- Computer Science & Engineering
Farias, Gerard
[profile] Associate Professor -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Farrell, Mary
[profile] Professor -- Education
Fask, Alan
[profile] Professor -- Mrktg,InfoSys,DecisionScience
Ferrell, Marguerite
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Fierro, Mark
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Ford, Mary
[profile] Director -- Freshman Intensive Studies
Forsthoff, Roger
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Foster, Christine
[profile] Sr. Lecturer -- Corporate Communic Institute
Fowler, Susan
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Fox, Jonathan
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Fredericks, Deborah
[profile] Assoc. Dean of Cont Educ Ops & Coll Lrng Outcome Assessmnts -- Continuing Education
Freer, Ben
[profile] Associate Professor -- Psychology/Sociology
Fried, Zev
[profile] Asssistant Professor -- Accounting & Tax Law
Frucht, Leslie
[profile] Director of Prospect Research Database Management -- University Advancement
Gabriele, Louise
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Nursing & Allied Health - Met
Garcia, Evelyn
[profile] Senior Lecturer -- Criminal Justice
Garg, Ajay
[profile] Associate Professor -- Vancouver Public Admin Science
Garzone-Johnson, Carolyn
[profile] Lecturer -- Nursing & Allied Health - Met
Gersh, Iris
[profile] Dir Hudson Comm Coll Hosp -- Hospitality and Tourism Management
Ghosh, Nandita
[profile] Associate Professor -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Giardina, June Anne
[profile] Dir Transfer Student Svcs -- Academic Support Center
Giblin, Brian
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Gifford, James
[profile] Professor -- English & University Core
Giglio, W. Scott
[profile] Assistant Director of University Public Relations -- Public Relations
Girardi, Stephen
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Becton College
Goepfert, Mary
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Grand, David
[profile] Associate Professor -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Graulich, Erin
[profile] Clinical Instructor -- Nursing & Allied Health - Met
Griffo, Robert
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Psychology and Counseling
Grill, Helen
[profile] General Clerk, Senior -- Public Relations
Grob, Leonard
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Groff, Christopher
[profile] Assistant Vice President of Corporate & Foundation Relations -- University Advancement
Guiney, Meaghan
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Psychology/Sociology
Guo, Yong
[profile] Professor -- School of Pharmacy
Guttman, Minerva
[profile] Director, School of Nursing and Allied Health -- Nursing & Allied Health - Met
Hamilton, Karin
[profile] Executive Director of Alumni Relations -- Alumni Relations
Hamilton, Thomas
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Hammond, Novlette
[profile] Clinical Instructor -- Nursing & Allied Health - Met
Han, Jayoung
[profile] Assistant Professor -- School of Pharmacy
Hansbrough, Tiffany
[profile] Associate Professor -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Hansen, Nicole
[profile] Associate Professor -- Education
Harmon, Joel
[profile] Professor -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Haspel, Kathleen
[profile] Associate Professor -- Communication Studies
Hawkins-Rodgers, Yolanda
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Becton College
Herman, Stephen
[webpage] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Hladyk, Ruth
[profile] Dir of Professional Develop. & Internship -- Hospitality and Tourism Management
Hoffman, Elliot
[profile] Associate Professor -- Visual & Performing Arts
Hollis, Stephen
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Visual & Performing Arts
Honchell, Stephanie
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Horace, Matthew
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Houle, Robert
[profile] Associate Professor -- Social Sciences & History
Hsu, Jeffrey
[profile] Professor -- Mrktg,InfoSys,DecisionScience
Huddy, Stanley
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Computer Science & Engineering
Huertas Castillo, Luz
[profile] Lecturer -- Social Sciences & History
Hummel, Keith
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Huser, E. Ann
[profile] Sr. Lecturer -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Ingledew, Francis
[profile] Professor -- Humanities
Irwin, Robert
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Isquith, Irwin
[profile] Professor -- Natural Sciences
Iwuchukwu, Otito
[profile] Assistant Professor -- School of Pharmacy
Janarthanan, Vasudevan
[profile] Associate Professor -- Computer Science & Engineering
Jannicelli, Anthony
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Jasko, Carol
[profile] Lecturer -- Nursing & Allied Health - Met
Jenkins, Krista
[profile] Professor -- Social Sciences & History
Johnson, Rodney
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Jones, Gwen
[profile] Professor -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Joseph, Reji
[profile] Engineering Lab Director -- Computer Science & Engineering
Joshi, Khyati
[profile] Professor -- Education
Jungsuwadee, Paiboon
[profile] Associate Professor -- School of Pharmacy
Kalabalik, Julie
[profile] Assistant Professor -- School of Pharmacy
Karger, Frank
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Petrocelli College
Karpinski, Carol
[profile] Associate Professor -- Education
Kaspereen-Guidicipietro, Dana
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Becton College
Kattelman, Kyle
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Criminal Justice
Kazhdan, Yuliana
[profile] Sr. Lecturer -- Math, Comp Science, Physics
Keane, James
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Kennedy, William R.
[profile] Director, Web Operations; University Webmaster -- Web Operations
Kenny, James
[profile] Professor -- Criminal Justice
Khreisat, Laila
[profile] Professor -- Math, Comp Science, Physics
Kidder, Kathleen
[profile] Associate Director -- Graduate Admissions
Kieff, Maureen
[profile] Senior Lecturer -- Mrktg,InfoSys,DecisionScience
Kim, Dongmi
[profile] Assistant Professor -- School of Pharmacy
Kim, Jong-Chae
[profile] Associate Professor -- Petrocelli College
Kim, Yeoah
[profile] Sr. Lecturer of Mathematics -- Computer Science & Engineering
Kim, Yongbeom
[profile] Professor -- Mrktg,InfoSys,DecisionScience
Kjetsaa, Richard
[profile] Professor -- Economics & Finance
Knorr, Brian
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Math, Comp Science, Physics
Kose, Erdal
[profile] Lecturer -- Computer Science & Engineering
Kovacs, Ernest
[profile] Associate Professor -- Administrative Science
Kraus, Ron
[webpage] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Krysa, Isabella
[profile] Assistant Professor of Economics, Fiance, Int'l Business -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Kumar, Ish
[profile] Associate Professor, Chemistry & Physics -- Natural Sciences
Lachenmeyer, Juliana
[profile] Professor -- Psychology/Sociology
Lackey-Laubsch, Lisa
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Lam, Christine
[profile] Assistant Professor -- School of Pharmacy
Landau, David
[profile] Professor -- Visual & Performing Arts
Latson, Sarah
[profile] Sr. Lecturer -- Communication Studies
Laubsch, Alfred
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Laubsch, Paulette
[profile] Professor -- Petrocelli College
Lee, Eun Jeong
[profile] Executive Director of Undergraduate Studies -- Petrocelli College
Lee, Sung
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Lefkowitz, Bernard
[profile] Associate Professor -- Computer Sciences and Engineering
Lehr, Jennifer
[profile] Assoc Dean, Acad Affairs -- Becton College
Leibfried, Maria
[profile] Assistant Professor -- School of Pharmacy
Lemaire, Gail
[profile] Executive Asst to the Sr Vp & Coo & Risk Mgmt -- Chief Operating Officer
Lemanowicz, Douglas
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Lemmerman, Patricia
[profile] Dir Student and Comm Engagem. -- School of Pharmacy
Lents, Stacie
[profile] Associate Professor -- Visual & Performing Arts
Leon, Carlos
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Vancouver Campus
Leonida, Mihaela
[profile] Professor, Chemistry & Physics -- Natural Sciences
Lewis, Karen
[profile] Executive Director of One University Many Dreams -- University Advancement
Lewis, Melvin
[profile] Lecturer -- Computer Sciences and Engineering
Libov, Howard
[profile] Chair of Visual & Perform Art -- Visual & Performing Arts
Llallire, Teodoro
[profile] Senior Lecturer -- Petrocelli College
Lo Pinto, Richard
[profile] Professor -- Natural Sciences
Loeb, Katharine
[profile] Professor -- Psychology/Sociology
Loewus, Cynthia
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Visual & Performing Arts
LoPonte, Tina
[profile] Lecturer -- Art and Media Studies
Lorenzana, Erick
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Lubisco, Robyn
[profile] Asst Professor, Sports Admin -- Petrocelli College
MacIntyre, Phyllis
[profile] Assistant Professor of Economics, Fiance, Int'l Business -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Makridis, Odysseus
[profile] Associate Professor -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Mantellino, Anthony
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Manton, Judith
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Mao, Zhiwei
[profile] Associate Professor -- Computer Sciences and Engineering
Markowski, Vincent
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Massi, Raymond
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Mattson, Andrew
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Maung, Yin
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Vancouver Campus
Maxon, Rebecca
[profile] Associate Director -- Communications
Mayans, Robert
[profile] Associate Professor -- Math, Comp Science, Physics
Mayhew, Paula
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Mazzolla, Jeanne
[profile] Assistant to the President -- Office of the President
McClary, Marion
[profile] Professor -- Natural Sciences
McCloud, Shawn
[profile] Senior Lecturer Hotel/Restaurant Management -- Hospitality and Tourism Management
McGregor, Scott
[profile] Asssistant Professor -- Accounting Tax & Law
McKay, Maria
[profile] Lecturer -- Mgmt, Mtkg, ISS.
McRae, Leslie
[profile] Dir. of Technical Operations -- School of Pharmacy
Medaska, Robert
[profile] Sr. Lecturer -- Petrocelli College
Mednick, David
[profile] Co-Director -- Student Counseling and Psychological Services
Melloy, Patricia
[profile] Associate Professor -- Bio-Allied Health
Meskin, Leslie
[profile] Lecturer -- Education
Miles, David
[profile] Campus Director of Public Safety -- Public Safety
Miller, Chloe
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Millman, Barbara
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Becton College
Mills, Alice
[profile] Co-Director -- Student Counseling and Psychological Services
Mohamad, Mutiara
[profile] Director of Programs in Language, Culture & Professional Adv -- University College
Molloy, Mary
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Nursing & Allied Health - Met
Mondal, Kalyan
[profile] Associate Professor -- Computer Sciences and Engineering
Monroe, Eric
[profile] Operations Specialist -- Management Information Systems
Montani, Teresa
[profile] Associate Professor -- Education
Moonelis, Judith
[profile] Professor -- Visual & Performing Arts
Moore, Teresa
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Nursing & Allied Health - Met
Morgan, Jon
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Morrison, Sean
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Mourton, Craig
[profile] Campus Executive-Metropolitan -- Metropolitan Campus
Mun, Kwon Gi
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Mrktg,InfoSys,DecisionScience
Murphy, Arthur
[profile] Professor, Chemistry & Physics -- Natural Sciences
Murray, Patricia
[profile] Research & Instruction Librarian -- Library
Myers-Arnold, Edith
[profile] Associate Professor -- Bio-Allied Health
Namazi, Javad
[profile] Professor -- Math, Comp Science, Physics
Nandikotkur, Giridhar
[profile] Assistant Professor, Chemistry & Physics -- Natural Sciences
Nassar, Nader
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Nasser, Riad
[profile] Professor -- Social Sciences & History
Ng, Chee
[profile] Professor -- Economics & Finance
Nisa, Richard
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Social Sciences & History
Nixon, Kirk
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Noon, Jennifer
[profile] Director of Athletics -- Athletics Administration Div 3
Norafkan, Mehran
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Vancouver Campus
Nowotny, Jordan
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Social Sciences & History
Nwachukwu, Osita
[profile] Associate Professor -- Management & Entrepreneurship
O'Boyle, Kenneth
[profile] Radio Operations Assistant -- WFDU Telecomm
O'Brien, Jessica
[profile] Associate Dean of Students for Union and Campus Engagement -- Student Life
Ojo, Bamidele
[profile] Professor -- History, Political and International Studies
O'Laocha, Eamonn
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Vancouver Campus
Olechnowski, Brian
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Bio-Allied Health
Oliver, Fernando
[profile] Professor -- Petrocelli College
Oliveros, Erika
[profile] Sr. Lecturer -- Petrocelli College
O'Neil, Janet
[profile] Associate Professor -- Visual & Performing Arts
O'Reilly, David
[profile] Deputy Vancouver Campus Executive -- Vancouver Campus
Oujo, Maria
[profile] Sr. Lecturer -- Petrocelli College
Overup, Camilla
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Psychology/Sociology
Ozdener, Ayse
[profile] Assistant Professor -- School of Pharmacy
Ozurumba, Chimezie
[profile] Associate Professor -- Administrative Science
Palmer, Susan
[profile] Lecturer -- Nursing & Allied Health - Met
Panycia, Evona
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Becton College
Parra, Francisco
[profile] Assis Director and Advising Counselor for UG Programs -- Petrocelli College
Parzer, Harald
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Bio-Allied Health
Pascal, Felipe
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Becton College
Passow, Nancy
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Pastorino, Gloria
[profile] Professor Lit, Lang, Writ, Phil -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Patrick, April
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Peabody, Bruce
[profile] Professor -- Social Sciences & History
Penrice, Parwin
[profile] Sr. Lecturer -- Math, Comp Science, Physics
Perez, Delia
[profile] Director of Planned Giving -- University Advancement
Philips, Neena
[profile] Professor -- Natural Sciences
Phillips, William
[profile] Lecturer -- Computer Science & Engineering
Pier, Helene
[profile] Executive Assistant for Sr VP of Univ Adv -- University Advancement
Pinto, Frank
[profile] Lecturer -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Plotino, Gina
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Pogge, David
[profile] Lecturer -- Psychology/Sociology
Pope, John
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Prentky, Robert
[profile] Dir, Ma Program in Forensic Psychology -- Psychology/Sociology
Qin, Li
[profile] Associate Professor -- Mrktg,InfoSys,DecisionScience
Quirk, Jennifer
[profile] Associate Director of Athletics for Administration -- Athletics, Administration
Quixley, Charles
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Rabinowitz, Bethany
[profile] Sr. Lecturer -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Radford, Gary
[profile] Professor -- Communication Studies
Radnitz, Cynthia L.
[profile] Professor -- Psychology/Sociology
Rao, Alevoor
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Computer Science & Engineering
Raphalides, Samuel
[profile] Professor -- History, Political and International Studies
Rasmussen, Chris
[profile] Professor -- School of Humanities
Ray, Louis
[profile] Deputy Director, School of Education -- Education
Reid, Evelyn
[profile] Sr. Lecturer -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Reid, Jill
[profile] Assistant Professor of Economics, Fiance, Int'l Business -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Reilly, Brian
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Reinish, Gloria
[profile] Professor -- Computer Sciences and Engineering
Reiss, Richard
[profile] Senior Vice President -- University Advancement
Reuse, Elizabeth
[profile] Asst to the Campus Exec-External Room RES & Special Projects -- Metropolitan Campus
Reynolds, Laura
[profile] Director of Special Events -- University Advancement
Reynolds, Patrick
[profile] Assistant Director -- Criminal Justice
Richton, Diane
[profile] Director of Development Math -- Math, Comp Science, Physics
Ritchie, Robert
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Ritz, Aixa
[profile] Associate Professor -- Hospitality and Tourism Management
Rivkin, Anastasia
[profile] Professor -- School of Pharmacy
Roberts, Marie
[profile] Professor -- Art and Media Studies
Roberts, William
[profile] Professor -- Petrocelli College
Rodriguez, Jadihel
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Roman, Joseph
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Rosen, David
[profile] Professor -- Social Sciences & History
Rosman, Andrew
[profile] Dean -- Silberman College
Rossi, Barbara
[profile] Asst Dean, Experiential Educ -- School of Pharmacy
Rossignol, Marycarol
[profile] Associate Professor -- Nursing & Allied Health - CAF
Rozen, Hannah
[profile] Associate Professor -- Accounting Tax & Law
Rubin, Marilyn
[profile] Clinical Instructor -- Nursing & Allied Health - Met
Rudniy, Oleksandr
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Ryan, Dana
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Ryan, Lisa
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Ryba, Nicole
[profile] Assistant Professor -- School of Pharmacy
Rye, Marilyn
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Becton College
Sacks, Meghan
[profile] Associate Professor -- Criminology
Salaski, Edward
[profile] Assistant Professor, Chemistry -- Chemistry
Salierno, James
[profile] Associate Professor -- Bio-Allied Health
Sammond, Kenneth
[profile] Sr. Lecturer -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Sandifer, Chadwin
[profile] Asst Dean for Student Affairs&Programatic Effectiveness -- School of Pharmacy
Sangastiano, Toni-Lee
[webpage] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Sanicola, Michael
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Santelli, John
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Sanzari, Arthur
[profile] Lecturer -- Nursing & Allied Health - Met
Sarajian, Gregory
[profile] Manager: Accounts Payable -- Accounts Payable
Schaefer, Charles
[profile] Professor Emeritus -- Adjuncts, University College
Schiemann, John
[profile] Professor -- Social Sciences & History
Schiff, Jonathan
[profile] Professor -- Accounting & Tax Law
Schipper, Dina
[profile] Executive Director of Communications and News -- Public Relations
Schreiber, Don
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Schuber, William
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Administrative Science
Schultzer, Arthur
[profile] Senior Lecturer -- Accounting & Tax Law
Scorza, Jason
[profile] Vice Provost for International Affairs -- Global Learning
Scotti, Dennis
[profile] Professor -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Sedaghat, Mohamad
[profile] Instructor -- Mrktg,InfoSys,DecisionScience
Selick, Sandra
[profile] Univ. Dir. Center for Teaching, Learn & Assessment -- Center for Teaching and Learning with Technology
Sena, MaryAnn
[profile] Periodicals Coordinator -- Library
Shanafelt, Carrie
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Communication Arts
Sharma, Kiron
[profile] Professor -- Math, Comp Science, Physics
Shea, Thomas
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Sheffield, Duff
[profile] General Manager -- WFDU Telecomm
Shlosberg, Amy
[profile] Associate Professor -- Social Sciences & History
Silver, Howard
[profile] Professor -- Computer Sciences and Engineering
Singer, Miriam
[profile] Associate Professor -- Education
Singh, Gurjot
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Math, Comp Science, Physics
Sinha, Neelu
[profile] Professor -- Math, Comp Science, Physics
Skarbnik, John
[profile] Professor -- Accounting Tax & Law
Slaby, Marek
[profile] Associate Professor -- Math, Comp Science, Physics
Slugocki, Malgorzata
[profile] Assistant Professor -- School of Pharmacy
Smart, Lois
[profile] Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Students -- Dean of Students
Smith-Tavener, Joanne
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Sollars, Gordon
[profile] Associate Professor -- Management & Entrepreneurship
Spina, Anthony
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Becton College
Steinke, Rene
[profile] Director MFA in Creative Writing -- Literature, Language, Writing, and Philosophy
Stein-Smith, Kathleen
[profile] Associate University Librarian and Director of Public Services -- Library
Stern, Melvin
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Silberman College
Stout, Joseph
[profile] Lecturer -- Natural Sciences
Sullivan, Jesse
[profile] Assistant Professor -- School of Pharmacy
Sun, Zhenbin
[profile] Professor, Communications/Speech -- Art and Media Studies
Swanzey, Thomas
[profile] Professor -- Petrocelli College
Talijan, Louis
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Tan, Alfredo
[profile] Professor -- Computer Science & Engineering
Tan, Xin
[profile] Associate Professor -- Mrktg,InfoSys,DecisionScience
Tang, Yongming
[profile] Associate Professor -- Computer Science & Engineering
Tarantino, Michael
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Tasso, Anthony
[profile] Chair -- Psychology and Counseling
Templin, Tracy
[profile] Director, Administration and Marketing -- School of Pharmacy
Teslja, Alexey
[profile] Associate Professor -- Chemistry
Tiersky, Lana
[profile] Associate Professor -- Psychology/Sociology
Toms, William
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Administrative Science
Tong, James
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Vancouver Campus
Tormey, Joseph
[profile] Director, International School of Hospitality & Tourism Mgmt -- Hospitality and Tourism Management
Tornetta, Philip
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Torres, Hector
[profile] Graphic Designer -- Publications
Torres, Ismael
[profile] One Card & Pc Specialist -- Computing Services
Torsiello, Bryon
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Silberman College
Trella, Joel
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Tuluca, Sorin
[profile] Professor -- Economics & Finance
Ukaigwe, Patricia
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Nursing & Allied Health - Met
Ulrich, Stefanie
[profile] Director -- Center for Psychological Srvcs
Ultan, Lloyd
[profile] Professor -- Petrocelli College
Vacirca, Cathy
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Vaidean, Georgeta
[profile] Professor -- School of Pharmacy
van Jaarsveld, Marlize
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Vancouver Campus
Vansal, Sandeep
[profile] Associate Professor -- School of Pharmacy
Vargas, Maryelena
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Nursing & Allied Health - Met
Vee, Cheryl
[profile] Administrative Assistant -- International Student Services
Velasquez, Antonio
[profile] Assistant Professor -- History, Political and International Studies
Viezel, Kathleen
[profile] Associate Professor -- Psychology/Sociology
Viglione, Vincent
[profile] Assistant Professor -- Psychology and Counseling
Vitale, Christine
[profile] Career Development Specialist -- Career Development
Wagner, Julia
[profile] Dir., Metro Writing Studio -- Humanities
Wagner, Richard
[profile] Professor -- Math, Comp Science, Physics
Walker, Matthew
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Wang, Zhaobo
[profile] Professor -- Mrktg,InfoSys,DecisionScience
Ward, John
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Warunek, Marion
[profile] Professor -- Natural Sciences
Waseda-Hida, Kyoko
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- University College
Weiner, Larry
[webpage] Adjunct Faculty -- Becton College
Weinman, Geoffrey
[profile] Dean -- Becton College
Wentworth, Diane
[profile] Professor -- Psychology and Counseling
West, Ron
[profile] Dept. Chair for Acct, Tax, Law -- Accounting Tax & Law
Westbrook, Randall
[profile] Lecturer -- Education
Wester, Marian
[profile] Administrative Assistant -- Acad Advising and Stu Supp Srv
Westrich, Ligia
[profile] Assistant Professor -- School of Pharmacy
Whitmarsh, Lona-Lee
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Becton College
Wills, David
[profile] Operations Assistant PT -- WFDU Telecomm
Winters, Harvey
[profile] Lecturer -- Natural Sciences
Winters, Laurence
[profile] Senior Lecturer -- School of Humanities
Wischnevsky, J. Daniel
[profile] Associate Dean Undergraduate Programming & Metropolitan Camp -- Silberman College
Woolley, Peter
[webpage] [profile] Founding Director School of Public and Global Affairs -- Public & Global Affairs
Xhudo, Gazmen
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Yaiser, Robert
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Yoon, Kwangsun
[profile] Professor -- Mrktg,InfoSys,DecisionScience
Zhao, Hong
[profile] Associate Professor -- Computer Sciences and Engineering
Zibulsky, Jamie
[profile] Associate Professor -- Psychology/Sociology
Zimmerer, Rosemarie
[profile] Administrative Assistant to SCB Dept Chair -- Accounting & Tax Law
Zoklu, Yakup
[profile] Adjunct Faculty -- Petrocelli College
Zwick, Burton
[profile] Sr. Lecturer -- Management & Entrepreneurship
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