July 1.
Read the article.
This magazine can be viewed in its entirety at FDU Magazine Online - Summer/Fall 2016.
See how alumnus William Ochs, BS’79, MS’82 (Metro), helps NASA explore the universe.
Florham Campus students travel to Ecuador to beautify schools, teach English and preserve culture.
Joseph Gulfo, executive director of the Lewis Center for Healthcare Innovation and Techonology and clinical professor of health sciences, looks at obstacles to U.S. drug development.
FDU’s School of Pharmacy graduated its first class in May. Meet some of these new pharmacists and see where their paths may lead.
Longtime faculty member and administrator Christopher A. Capuano knows the University inside and out, and his many previous roles at FDU have prepared him well for the top spot. FDU Magazine introduces the University’s eighth president and discusses his hopes and aspirations.
Shining Behind the Scenes
Jamie Mulroony, BA'16 (Flor), Communication StudiesPreparing New Nurses
Sylvia Colon Cabassa, Associate Director for Undergraduate NursingThe Thrill of a Challenge
Daniel Lewis, MBA'76 (Flor)
FDU Magazine is published twice yearly by Fairleigh Dickinson University, Office of Communications (H-DH3-14), 1000 River Road, Teaneck, N.J. 07666.
FDU Magazine welcomes your comments.To contact the magazine, please email Rebecca Maxon, editor, at maxon@fdu.edu or write to her at the above address.
Christopher Capuano, President; Richard Reiss, Senior Vice President for University Advancement; Angelo Carfagna, Associate Vice President for Communications; Karen Lewis, Assistant Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations; Carol Kuzen Black, Director of Publications/Senior Editor; Rebecca Maxon, Editor; Kenna Caprio, Features Writer; Nina Ovryn, Art Director
Contributors: Mary Ann Bautista, Sara Campione, Josseph Gulfo, Bryan Jackson, Andrew McKay, Thomas Meade, Tom Nugent, Phil Paquette
For a print copy of FDU Magazine, contact Rebecca Maxon, editor, at maxon@fdu.edu.
To update your address, email fdualumni@fdu.edu; write to: Fairleigh Dickinson University, Office of Alumni Relations (H-DH3-14), 1000 River Road, Teneck, N.J. 07666; or update your profile online at www.myfdu.net.
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