FDU Magazine — Winter/Spring 2015


Wroxton Turns 50

On the Cover

Celebrate Wroxton College’s 50th anniversary!




This magazine can be viewed in its entirety at FDU Magazine Online - Winter/Spring 2015.



The Write Stuff

Image: FDU's Creative Writing Faculty

The blank page is daunting, but FDU Magazine sheds light on the creative-writing process — the muses that inspire, the tricks of the trade and the art of the craft in a digital world — with an exciting roundtable featuring acclaimed writers who are faculty members in the University’s master of fine arts in creative writing program.

• Five of FDU’s creative writing faculty published new books in 2014. Take a peek at these works and what the reviewers have been saying about them here.


Image: Wroxton Abbey

Happy Birthday Wroxton
Wroxton College celebrates its 50th anniversary this year! Our special coverage highlights the transformational “Wroxton Experience” with thoughts from the dean and several professors, along with recollections from alumni who have called Wroxton home.






A Rare Bloom
Ester Paulino, Graduate Student and Alumna

Passion-driven Life
Constance Bygrave, Assistant Professor of Administrative Science, Vancouver Campus

Hot Course

Britain in the Modern Era
With Angela Morris, Tutor and Lecturer in Social Policy and History, Wroxton College

Alumni Profiles

A Different Calling
Kerstin Leiff, MFA’12 (Flor)

The Ice Man Cometh
Kevin O’Malley, BS’89 (Ruth), MS’07 (Metro)

Taking Artistic Risks
Ben Weinman, BA’99 (Flor)

Alumni News


FDU Magazine is published twice yearly by Fairleigh Dickinson University, Office of Communications, 1000 River Road (H-DH3-14), Teaneck, N.J. 07666.

FDU Magazine welcomes your comments. Email Rebecca Maxon, editor, at maxon@fdu.edu.

Sheldon Drucker, President; Richard Reiss, Senior Vice President for University Advancement; Angelo Carfagna, Associate Vice President for Communications; Karen Lewis, Assistant Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations; Carol Kuzen Black, Director of Publications/Senior Editor; Rebecca Maxon, Editor; Kenna Caprio, Features Writer; Nina Ovryn, Art Director

Contributors: Mary Ann Bautista, Sara Chamberlain, Bryan Jackson, Andrew McKay, Riley Moonan, Tom Nugent, Art Petrosemolo, Ryan Uhlich

For a print copy of FDU Magazine, featuring these and other stories, contact Rebecca Maxon, editor, at maxon@fdu.edu.

To update your address email fdualumni@fdu.edu or update your profile online at www.myfdu.net.

©Copyright 2015 Fairleigh Dickinson University. All rights reserved.

Link to Article "A Sense of Mission" Link to Faculty Profile — Jason Scorza Link to Mission Milestones & Highlights — FDU-Vancouver Link to New and Enhanced Facilities Link to Athletics Accomplishments Link to A New Culture of Philanthropy Link to FDU Alumni Association Link to A Message from J. Michael Adams