FDU Magazine — Winter/Spring 2013


FDU Magazine - All the Way!

On the Cover




Share in FDU’s Commencement Activities



This magazine can be viewed in its entirety at
FDU Magazine Online - Summer/Fall 2014.



Alumni in Legislature
Many of FDU’s civically minded alumni have gone on to serve in government on the local, county and state levels. FDU Magazine reports on why they chose public service, what they have accomplished and their advice for today’s students.

FDU Partnewship with Zeppelin University
Meet FDU Student Raul Chalen, who studied abroad at Zeppelin University in Germany, and Tobias Lauter, a German student who came to FDU’s Metropolitan Campus, and learn about their impressions of studying across the Atlantic.

Workplace Matters: Dads Face Work-Life Issues
Professor of Management Scott Behson writes about work-life balance for men, the expectations fathers face and how they cope with working full time while trying to be hands-on parents.

FDU students and faculty together are tackling a wide range of research topics: from primate behavior to digital device forensics, and from the plea-bargaining process to accounting and personal storytelling.





At Home on the Road
Kevin Celisca, Accounting Major


Hot Course on Campus

Alumni Profiles

Blazing a Trail — for Women on Wall Street
Johanna Rossi, BS’92, MBA’94 (Ruth)

Learning Lifetime Lessons — and Finding Love — at FDU
Christopher Johnson, BS’93 (Flor)

Sticking to the Script
Alan Roth, BA’80 (Ruth)

Alumni News


FDU Magazine is published twice yearly by Fairleigh Dickinson University, Office of Communications, 1000 River Road (H-DH3-14), Teaneck, N.J. 07666.

FDU Magazine welcomes your comments. Email Rebecca Maxon, editor, at maxon@fdu.edu.

Sheldon Drucker, President; Richard Reiss, Senior Vice President for University Advancement; Angelo Carfagna, Associate Vice President for Communications; Karen Lewis, Assistant Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations; Carol Kuzen Black, Director of Publications/Senior Editor; Rebecca Maxon, Editor; Kenna Caprio, Features Writer; Nina Ovryn, Art Director

Contributors: Mary Ann Bautista, Scott Behson, Raul Chalen, Sara Chamberlain,W. Scott Giglio, Bryan Jackson, Dan Landau, Tobias Lauter, Okang McBride, Andrew McKay, Tom Nugent, Christopher Strauch, Catherine Talaga

Photo/Illustration Credits: Rich Abrahamson/Fort Collins Coloradoan/Gannett-CN, Lars Baron - FIFA/Getty Images, Bill Blanchard, Bluestone Photography, Peter Byron, Jamie Christian, Christopher Churchill, Elena Mitchell Photography, Mel Evans/AP Images, Giovanni Gagliardi/Dreamstime, W. Scott Giglio, Roy Groething, Thomas Hardin, Ben Hinder, iStock/Getty Images, Dan Landau, Larry Levanti, Katherine Marks/Agency New Jersey, Media 24/Getty Images, John McKeith, Matt Petit/© A.M.P.A.S, Art Petrosemolo, Robert Pizzo, Jacqueline Schmid/Dreamstime, Danny Schwartz, S.R. Smith, James Steinberg, Mark Stiener, Valerie Noell Photography, University Archives

For a print copy of FDU Magazine, featuring these and other stories, contact Rebecca Maxon, editor, at maxon@fdu.edu.

To update your address email fdualumni@fdu.edu or update your profile online at www.MyFDU.net.

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