FDU Magazine — Winter/Spring 2013


FDU Magazine, 13ws, The New Faces of Pharmacy

On the Cover

FDU’s new class of pharmacy students is ready to take on the future of the ever-advancing industry.



Driven By Dreams


This magazine can be viewed in its entirety, downloaded as a pdf or ordered in print at www.issuu.com/FDUmagazine.



An Interview with the Provost
FDU Magazine recently caught up with University Provost Christopher A, Capuano, who discusses the strengths of FDU, the main challenges facing the University and what exactly it is that a provost does.


A Prescription for Making History
Combine a heavy dosage of innovative curricula with a rich blend of talented faculty and ambitious students and then mix together in a state-of-the-art facility and you have the dawn of a brand-new pharmacy school. Learn what makes this school unique and meet the students who are pioneers now and aim to be groundbreakers in their field.


The Consumer Culture
In this provocative piece, FDU professor James G. Hutton argues that the United States has become a culture of consumption, and the consumer mentality has undermined critical institutions. But the triumph of consumerism is not permanent, and Hutton offers solutions to restoring citizenship to its primary role. In an accompanying pictorial, FDU Magazine reveals another side of Hutton's creative process — and his first love — photojournalism.


Much Ado About Something
FDU student Bianca Cruz ventured to Wroxton College for a criminal justice study-abroad course and shares with readers her experiences at the college and her visits to nearby landmarks.

WAMFEST: Words and Music Festival






Fine Artists Times Two
Judy Moonelis, Professor of Fine Arts, College at Florham
George Cochrane, Associate Professor of Art, College at Florham

Enriched by Travel and Discovery
Diana Bukatova, Undergraduate Student


Hot Course on Campus

Alumni Profiles

Award-winning Newsman ‘Bitten by Radio Bug’ at FDU
John Tucker, BA’85 (T)

Bringing New Schools — and New Hope — to Nicaragua
Sarah Wormann, BA’08(M)

Alumni News



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Support FDU

FDU Magazine is published twice yearly by the Office of Communications and Marketing, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1000 River Road, H-DH3-14, Teaneck, N.J. 07666.

FDU Magazine welcomes your comments. Email Rebecca Maxon, editor, at maxon@fdu.edu.

Sheldon Drucker, Interim President; Richard Reiss, Senior Vice President for University Advancement; Angelo Carfagna, Assistant Vice President for University Advancement and Communications; Okang McBride, Director of Alumni Relations; Carol Kuzen Black, Director of Publications/Senior Editor; Rebecca Maxon, Editor; Nina Ovryn, Art Director

Contributors: Mary Ann Bautista, Kenna Caprio, Sara Chamberlain, Catherine DeCoursey, Scott Giglio, James Henry, James G. Hutton, Dan Landau, Andrew McKay, Tom Nugent

Photo/Illustration Credits: Bill Blanchard, Joe Castillo, George Cochrane, Peter Dazeley, Deborah Feingold, Scott Giglio, David W. Hahn, Don Hamerman, Andrew Holt, James G. Hutton, Rakefet Kenaan/Marlena Agency, Lynda Kuit, Dan Landau, Larry Levanti, Andy Mead, Nick Romanenko, Danny Schwartz, S.R. Smith, Adena Stevens, University Archives, Malcolm Varon Photos, Sarah Wormann

For a print copy of FDU Magazine, featuring these and other stories, contact Rebecca Maxon, editor, at maxon@fdu.edu.

To update your address email fdualumni@fdu.edu or update your profile online at www.MyFDU.net.

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