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FDU Magazine is published
twice yearly by the Office of
Communications and Marketing, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1000 River Road, H-DH3-14, Teaneck, N.J. 07666.
FDU Magazine welcomes your comments. E-mail Rebecca Maxon, editor, at maxon@fdu.edu or make a blog entry at MyFDU.net.
J. Michael Adams, President;
Richard Reiss, Senior Vice President for University Advancement;
Okang McBride, Director of
Alumni Relations;
Angelo Carfagna, Director of
Communications/Executive Editor;
Carol Kuzen Black, Director of Publications/Senior Editor;
Rebecca Maxon, Editor and Web Designer;
Brandspa, Designer
Photo Credits: Bill Blanchard, Frank Fournier, istockphoto.com/SVLumagraphica,
Catherine Marks, Jobin, Mojtabavi, Michael Paras, Arthur Petrosemolo, Richard Reiss, Beth Reuse, Michael Schambach, S.R. Smith, Vickers & Beechler
For a print copy of FDU Magazine, featuring these and other stories, contact Rebecca Maxon, editor, at maxon@fdu.edu.
To update your address e-mail fine@fdu.edu or update your profile online at www.MyFDU.net.
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