
News For and From FDU Alumni
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Vera Pardy Tarantino, BA (R), writes that her old friend, Herb Mazzini, BA (R), died on June 3, 2007. She says that Mazzini, a stage actor, will always be remembered for his memorable performance as Henry Higgins in the play, “Pygmalion,” at the Rutherford Campus in 1950–’51.
Robert Candeloro, BS (R), a former FDU basketball player, is founder and owner of A. Rose Associates, Inc., a real-estate development company, which has been incorporated in New York City for 15 years and in New Jersey for five years. The company’s name represents his father’s and mother’s first names, Angelo and Rose.
John Gera Jr., BS (R), is a retired captain in the U.S. Navy. He also worked in aerospace management and rocket-engine development and is a private pilot. Gera holds an MBA from the University of Southern California and an MS in engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Kathleen Gallagher Askew, BS (T), who earned her MAT at Kean University, Union, N.J., in 1964, is a retired Rivervale, N.J., elementary school teacher. She survived a cerebral aneurysm in 1989.
William Selinger, BS (R), and his wife, Eva, have been living in South Florida for 31 years. They have three sons and three grandsons. Selinger has been vice president of sales at Gelbwaks Insurance Services, Inc., Plantation, Fla., for the last 18 years. He writes that he is looking forward to retiring in about 10 years.
Donald Cappetta, BS (T), MBA’66 (R), and his wife, Brenda, live near Hershey, Pa. He writes that they would like to hear from his Teaneck classmates, especially members of the Veterans Club and the Sons of Bergen. Cappetta may be reached at donatocc@comcast.net or at (717) 838-9521.
Barry “Cub” Coyne, BA (T), has relocated to Salem, Ore. Coyne is active in legislative advocacy for the aging and disabled and is an officer in Toastmasters District 7. Coyne writes that he wants to locate graduates of FDU who live in the northwest. He may be reached at luckycoyne@yahoo.com
Brian DiNuzzo, son of Kathleen Dawe DiNuzzo, BS (M), is pursuing a master of fine arts degree at FDU’s College at Florham. In January, he attended Wroxton College. Brian works at Hudson City Community College, Jersey City, N.J.
After 35 years, Peter Pardine, BA (R), retired from the New York Institute of Technology, Old Westbury, N.Y., as a professor of psychology. He has released his first CD, “The First Album: Compositions for Piano and Other Musical Voices.” Pardine’s biography and full-length recordings from the CD may be accessed on the Web at www.peterpardine.com.
Mark Meyer, BA (T), received an honorary doctor of laws degree from St. John’s University on June 3, 2007. He was cited for being a “pioneer in promoting the rule of law in Central and Eastern Europe since 1990.”
John “Jack” Konzelmann, BS (T), MBA’76, was appointed vice president, controller and principal accounting officer of Smart Balance Inc., Cresskill, N.J.
Andrew Weber, BA (M), joined Stradley Ronon, Cherry Hill, N.J., as counsel in the firm’s government and public affairs practice group. He oversees government and public affairs initiatives for the firm’s New Jersey clients.
Charlene DiPietro D’Amelio, BA (T), left the teaching profession to become a neonatal nurse. She has four children — two girls and two boys — of which two are married.
Leonore Muller, AA’69 (T), BA (T), celebrated the first anniversary of her kidney transplant. She is a psychology major at the Community College of Rhode Island in Warwick.
Joseph Baldomero, Jr., BS (R), merged his accounting and consulting practice, Baldomero and Co., P.C., of Guttenberg, N.J., and Miami, Fla., with Mendonca & Suarez, Financial Services, LLC of Union, N.J. Baldomero is a partner in the new firm. Mendonca & Suarez has six partners and more than 60 professional and administrative staff in offices in New Jersey, New York and Florida. Baldomero’s son, Joseph III, is an honors student at FDU’s Metropolitan Campus, where he is an accounting major.
Cheryl Poletti Nikituk, BA (R), has two daughters, Tara, 30, and Meghan, 26. She writes that her husband, Paul Nikituk, BS’73 (R), died on January 12, 2007.
Patrick “Pat” Paciello, BA’72 (T), is the author of Has Anyone Seen My Reading Glasses? The Humorous and Slightly Informative Chronicle of a Retired Baby Boomer, published by BookSurge, LLC in 2006.
Marcia Roberts Kaylakie, BS (T), is the author of Texas Quilts and Quilters: A Lone Star Legacy, published by Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock. Kaylakie retired from her dental hygiene practice in 2004. She and her husband, William Kaylakie, DMD’76 (T), live in Austin, Texas.
Water Voices From Around the World, edited by William Marks, BS’73 (M), was published in 2007. The book features letters and articles about water from 77 prominent individuals and includes 400 color photographs from throughout the world. It was written in support of the United Nations’ effort for the “International Decade of Action ‘Water for Life,’ 2005–2015.” For more information, visit www.watervoices.com.
James “Jim” Anzaldi, BA (R), was elected second vice president of the New Jersey League of Municipalities in November 2007.
Roger Nelson, MS (T), celebrated the 30th anniversary of his one-man play, “The Man from Aldersgate,” in January. He has presented the play, in which he portrays the life and ministry of John Wesley, more than 1,300 times in 32 nations and all 50 states.
Robert Jeffer, BA (T), was at the Naturfreunde Camp in Platte Cove, N.Y., when he carefully captured a male, ruby-throated hummingbird that had flown into the house. He writes that when he brought the bird outside, it perched on his thumb for a second before flying off.
Robert Ax, MA’78 (T), of Midlothian, Va., who retired from the Federal Bureau of Prisons in 2005, has co-edited his second book Corrections, Mental Health, and Social Policy: International Perspectives, published by Charles C. Thomas Publisher, Ltd., Springfield, Ill.
Doreen Toben, MBA (R), executive vice president and chief financial officer for Verizon Communications, was among Crain’s New York Business’ 100 Most Influential Women in New York City Business.
GMAC Financial Services has named Alvaro de Molina, BS (T), as GMAC chief operating officer. He is responsible for the company’s real estate finance and commercial finance businesses. He also oversees GMAC’s global finance and risk functions.
Kevin Bernecker, BS (M), is chief financial officer/assistant executive director at The Arc of Monmouth, Tinton Falls, N.J., a nonprofit organization providing services and support for individuals with cognitive and developmental disabilities.
Kenneth Mallard, BA (R), is a bass player for 5 Deep, which plays music for all occasions. He offers special pricing for FDU alumni. For information call 609-889-2505.
Betsy Bernard, MBA (M), was appointed to the board of directors of Telular Corporation, a manufacturer of cellular products.
Bernard “Danny” DeMarinis, MBA (R), received the 2007 Leadership Award from the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association International.
Donna Garbowski Hewa, BS (R), is in her third year as a cancer survivor. She is manager of human resources for Fedway Associates Inc., New Jersey’s largest alcoholic beverage wholesaler. Hewa writes that she is still interested in photography, dogs and Bruce Springsteen.
Ray Camiscioli, BA (R), MS’96 (T), was appointed director of estates practice and elder law at LexisNexis-Matthew Bender in Newark, N.J. Camiscioli received his JD from Fordham University School of Law, N.Y.C.
Carol Troger Meacham, MA (R), is in her second year as an adjunct professor in the department of business at University of Montana-Western, Dillon. She also owns a small business in Dillon.
Janice Eppler, BS (M), and Leonard Craig, MBA’84 (R), were married on June 2, 2007. They live in Port Murray, N.J.
Edward McNally, MBA (R), was appointed treasury operations officer of Columbia Bank, Fair Lawn, N.J.
Marc Schnabolk, MBA (R), is senior vice president of sales and marketing, North America, at JustSystems, Inc., a global enterprise software company.
Steven Solomon, BA (T), has retired and moved to Tampa, Fla., from Silver Spring, Md. His son attends at the State University of New York at Binghamton.
Matthew Baldassano, BS (T), joined Jefferies & Co., Inc. as co-head of securities finance.
Artwork by Waltraud Sieran [Waltraud Blüml], BS (R), was recognized by major art societies in the Northeast. Her one-woman exhibit in New Hampshire led to her work being selected for the cover of the 2007 fall edition of Keene State College’s Discovery Registration Brochure.
Lucy Caruso-Deane, MBA (R), was appointed dean of the business, mathematics and social sciences division at Bergen Community College in Paramus, N.J. She has been a member of the college faculty since 1987.
Joseph Mahady, MBA (T), was elected president of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and senior vice president of Wyeth, Madison, N.J.
Vivian Roumanas Pagoulatos, MBA (M), joined ProCom, a CommonHealth medical-education unit in Parsippany, N.J., as senior vice president, professional relations.
Patricia Arnold, MBA (T), is executive vice president and chief lending officer of Greater Community Bank in Totowa, N.J.
Anthony Cherichella, BS (T), was appointed chief financial officer and principal accounting officer of Vyteris, Inc., Fair Lawn, N.J.
Angela Calzone, MA (M), president of Change & Response Strategies, LLC, was named one of the 50 Women of Influence in Real Estate by Real Estate New Jersey magazine.
Douglas Garofalo, MBA (T), is a Franciscan lay missioner who has been working in Uberlandia, Brazil.
John Castellano, BS (R), celebrated his 40th birthday in Las Vegas, Nev., with five FDU alumni, their spouses and eight family members.
In June 2007, Patricia Traina Duckers, MA (M), became the third person nationwide to earn a Certified Military Résumé Writer (CMRW) credential from CareerPro Global (CPG). CPG offers the CMRW credential through an exclusive partnership with Career Directors International.
Vincent Cocilovo, BS (M), MBA’98 (M), published his first book, Build Your Mind, Your Body Will Follow, through Authorhouse.
Leon Neubauer, MA (M), is a licensed psychologist with a private practice in Audubon, N.J. He and his wife have been married for four years and have a 2 1/2-year-old daughter.
Andrew “A.J.” Rathbun, BS (M), MA’98 (M), and his wife, Beth, announce the birth of their daughter, Lauren Anna, on October 2, 2007.
Vladimir Berson, BA (M), and his wife, Tara, announce the birth of their son, Colin Alexander, on November 10, 2006.
Steven Salami, BA (T), and Cheryl Van Pelt, were married on June 16 at the Piazza di Roma in Aberdeen, N.J.
Elena Potoupa, MBA (T), was a finalist in two categories in the Fourth Annual Stevie Awards for Women in Business. Potoupa, who is president of Wow Things, Inc., was nominated in the Best Entrepreneur – Service Businesses – Up to 100 Employees and Best Turnaround of the Year categories.
Jamal “James” Rana, BA (T), starred in the revival of “Marat/Sade,” “Twelfth Night” and the world premiere play, “Serendib,” at Ensemble Studio Theatre in New York City.
John Slevin, MBA (M), joined KV Pharmaceutical Company, St. Louis, Mo., as vice president of operations.
Joyce James, MBA (M), a technology teacher, was selected as the 2006–’07 Teacher of the Year by Dover High School faculty. She also coaches the Tigers Squad, which won first-, second- and third-place honors in various categories of the New Jersey Institute of Technology Web Design contest in 2006.
Corinne Joseph, BSN (T), and Scott MacNaughton were married on November 25, 2005, at St. Ann’s Church in Staten Island, N.Y. Their twin boys, Connor Joseph and Dillon Scott, were born on September 25, 2006.
David Kaiserman, BA (M), was elected to the Sayreville Borough Council for a three-year term.
Brian Natusch, BS (M), and Amber McLelland, were married in February 2007. Their business, Upper Valley Chiropractic in West Lebanon, N.H., celebrated its first anniversary. Natusch may be reached at dr.natusch@gmail.com or 603-298-7400.
Heather Pecoraro, BS (M), and Lance Winkler were married on June 2, 2007, at St. Francis de Sales Church in Vernon, N.J.
David Perricone, MBA (T), and his wife, Michelle, announce the birth of their son, Anthony Robert, on June 20, 2007.
Angela Sorrentino, BS (M), and Paul Salisbury, MAT’04 (M), were married on July 6, 2007, at St. Peter the Apostle Church in Parsippany, N.J.
Diane Rich, BA (M), and Lawrence Dembeski Jr. were married on July 28, 2007, at St. Vincent de Paul Church in Stirling, N.J.
Mike Guerriero, MBA (M), and his wife, Selina, live with their son, Michael, in Springfield, N.J. Guerriero works as manager of executive compensation at Honeywell International in Morristown, N.J.
Robert Matheis, PhD (T), is manager of U.S. scientific publications for diabetes and metabolism at Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Bridgewater, N.J.
Brent Reitz, MBA (T), was named vice president of pediatrics for Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network in Allentown, Pa.
Dorothy McCarthy, BS/MS (M), and Ryan McQuilken were married on June 2, 2007, at Flemington Baptist Church in New Jersey.
Jacob White, BS (M), MS’07 (M), and Rosalie Martinez were married on August 1, 2007, in Auburndale, Fla.
Alexander Balaban, MAS (T), is chief of the New Jersey State Department of Labor and Workforce Development’s Division of Disability Determination Services, where he has been employed since 1982.
Scott Hiler, MBA (M), was featured in the article “Bridging the Gap Between the Classroom and the Real World,” which was published in the American Society for Quality’s Quality Progress magazine. The article highlighted Hiler’s teachings of ISO9000 standards as well as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Hiler teaches international business, business law and business management at Paramus (N.J.) High School.
James Roese, MPA (T), an officer in the Middletown Township (N.J.) Police Department, was assigned to traffic safety as traffic crash reconstruction coordinator as part of the department’s Rude Awakening Program, a drug and alcohol-awareness program for high school students.
Eleanor “Lindy” Lindblom Lynch, AA (R)
Doris Nimitz Woodward, AA (R)
George Menkes, AA’53 (R)
Robert Royce, BS (R)
Nicholas Saleeby, AA (R)
Elmer Torre, MBA (R)
Seymour Friedman, MBA
Harold Feintuch, BS (T)
Paul Krentar, BS (R)
Marian Pernetti, AA
Jack Takakjian, BS (R)
Josephine Dumolo Skowronski, AA
John Barton, MBA (T)
Robert Slotnick, BS (M)
Judith Carver, MA (T)
Robert Montgomery, BS (M)
Beverly Vill, MBA (T)
Laure Morris, BA (M)
Doris Berkquist, BS
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