Twins Meeting the Challenges
International students face many difficulties in their adjustment to higher education in the United States. They encounter unfamiliar customs, unfamiliar food, a different educational system, loneliness, isolation and communication difficulties, among other things. Coming to the United States, especially for Europeans, is a big challenge, says Tom Van de Keere, who was recruited by the FDU Knights basketball leam.with his twin brother Wim by assistant coach Elloyna Tiny Green at a basketball camp the twins attended. Many of the student-athletes at FDU are willing to face that challenge as they see the chance not only to gain a strong educational background, but also to be exposed to a multicultural and multinational environment. Like most college students who go away for their studies, the Van de Keeres, both majoring in international studies, do get homesick. The hardest part is missing the things you do at home, says Tom, who especially misses his native delicacies. During his stay at FDU, Tom is subsisting on burgers, pasta and pizza, while Wim is downing milkshakes at every available opportunity. Wim says one of the most difficult things to do when attending college is making good friends, but the fact that there are a lot of international athletes on the team helps make the transition at FDU easier. Tom and Wim agree that because they are together, things have been easier. Tom says, We get a lot of support from each other. Off their respective playing fields, the international student-athletes often forge close friendships because, as Sinding put it, We think the same way. Within months of meeting each other, they are usually socializing. Often, they head into New York City, catch a movie or grab a bite to eat. The camaraderie they build with their teammates allows the international student-athletes to become more at home, but that doesnt mean they dont long for more familiar ways. Its just good when you can speak your own language to each other, Wim says. |
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